
上海当代艺术馆亭台 PAVILION |《漫漫来系列——费那奇镜》

上海当代艺术馆 费那奇动画小组 2021-09-26


Stroll The Line Series: Phenakistoscope


Curator: Shen Chuchu


开放时间Opening Hour: 全年无休(免费入场) Mon.-Sun. 10:00am - 21:00pm(Free Entry)


Artist of Feinaki Animation Gang:WEI Shilei, AMAO, CAI Caibei, CHEN Chen,CHEN Lianhua, InkeeWang, LUO Sijia, SANGSUN, SUN Xin,Toyoya, WANG Dan, XIANG Yao, YU Kun, ZHU Yantong

《6枚重叠的费那奇》 卫诗磊、王丹

上海当代艺术馆艺术亭台MoCA Pavilion将于2019年5月1日至5月22日携手费那奇艺术小组举办展览《费那奇镜》。费那奇小组是一个自由的GIF动画创作和传播小组,聚集了国内众多优秀独立动画人。费那奇艺术小组的名字来源于动画的起点,费那奇镜——Phenakistoscope,也是本次展览的名字。费那奇镜是1832年由比利时人Joseph Plateau和奥地利人Simon von Stampfer发明,可播放连续动画。展览以费那奇镜为名,重回动画原点,让动画离开电影,让GIF离开动画。展览将以文献加实物展出的形式,让观众在与费那奇镜的互动中寓教于乐,进入中国优秀独立动画人的无边想象中。

MoCA Pavilion is honored to present "Phenakistoscope" from 1st May to 22th May in 2019 as a collaboration with Feinaki Animation Gang. Phenakist Group is a free organization that specializes in GIF animation creation and marketing, and has gathered a multitude of accomplished independent animators. The name Phenakist Group originated from the etymological beginnings of animation- Phenakistoscope. Curator SHEN Chuchu has aptly named the current exhibit Phenakistoscope as an image to the origins of animation. In doing so, SHEN Chuchuu intends to delineate animation from film and GIF from animation. The exhibit will be presented through a combination of texts and objects in order to immerse and educate audience members through their interactions with Phenakistoscope. 

《费那奇动画小组海报》 卫诗磊、王丹

费那奇小组,是一个自由的GIF动画创作和传播小组。名字来自动画的起点,费那奇镜——Phenakistoscope。小组成立于2015年情人节,一个节日一个GIF,是小组每个月的待办事项。费那奇小组大部分的组员都是独立动画作者,每个人都延续着很纯粹的个人动画创作轨迹,世界顶级动画节和电影节上会频繁看到他们的动画作品。他们分布在全世界各地,是大隐隐于市的动画高手。每逢佳节的GIF活动更像是一次线上聚会,大家用GIF联句,曲水流觞。在劣币驱逐良币的信息时代,他们更像一个怪物的共同体。Be a voice, not an echo,费那奇小组在庸众的回声中坚持成为一种声音。静止的动画,动画的费那奇。费那奇GIF,是未来动画与原始动画的相遇,让动画变成指尖的永动机,好像是藏于手机屏幕的心灵图章,也像是吟游于网络的动画诗句。费那奇小组,以动画之名重回原点,让动画离开电影,让GIF离开动画。他们只会让你对动画的偏见更大、误会更深。

Feinaki Animation Gang is made up of a group of independent GIF animators and media professionals. The name "Feinaki" pays homage to the origins of animation- Phenakistoscope. The group was established during the Valentines day celebration of 2015, with each group member creating a designated monthly GIF for each holiday. Feinaki Animation Gang is mostly made up of independent animators who have unique styles and whose works are frequently seen in global animation and film festivals. These artists are spread out across the globe and are at the top of their game. In each GIF event gathering, these artists communicate with their GIFs. In an age where information is near-instantaneous, these artists seem more like parts of a larger whole. "Be a voice, not an echo" encapsulates Feinaki Animation Gang's effort to become a firm voice in the cacophonous environment. Feinaki Animation Gang GIF can become the conduit between animation in the future and its origins- making animation the perpetual motion machine, lingering at the tips of fingers. These animations seem reminiscent of hidden feelings behind phone screens and the poetic verses on the internet. Feinaki Animation Gang-named after the origins of animation-inspires the departure of animation from film, and GIF from animation. They will only exacerbate your prejudices and deepen your misunderstandings on animation.



《两只耳朵竖起来》 蔡采贝

《小满》 陈莲华

《第23个人》 陈晨、朱彦潼

《火锅》 陈晨、朱彦潼

《呼哧呼哧》 陈晨、朱彦潼

《Happy friends》 李帆

《母亲》 罗丝佳

《爱的漩涡》 AMAO(毛晟匀)

《春分,加班好时节》 商桑

《Spring》 Inkee Wang(王颖琦)

《Rotate》 向垚

《春分》 俞昆

《无题》 孙欣


Exhibit "Phenakistoscope" is part of the second stage of MoCA Pavilion's Stroll The Line Series in 2019. Stroll The Line Series is MoCA Pavilion's project on exhibiting animation works as part of Animamix Biennale's project, which combines traditional narratives with contemporary contexts to express new and innovative concepts of Animamix. Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai will collaborate with leading animation and manga artists to disrupt audience members' conventional understanding of "Animation" by using a range of expressive artworks. These works of art eliminate the need for conventional language systems by using hieroglyphs. This method of expression breaks the constraints associated with time, culture and region, thereby inspiring and resonating the audience members' passion, and bringing about a new wave of interest in Chinese Animation art.


沈楚楚 | SHEN Chuchu



The young curator, born after 1990, who put the narrative into the exhibition. 

Born in Shanghai in 1994. Now working as an artist and curator in Shanghai, focusing on Animamix, Urbart, and trend art.

上海当代艺术馆艺术亭台  MoCA Pavilion


Gate 7 People's Park. 231 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai


Subway Station: People'sSquare. Exit: 8/9/10/16


Opening Time: Mon.-Sun., 10:00-21:00

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